330 GT Registry

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These cars are those whose last record is 'For Sale' or 'Auction' within the last 180 days.  Since there is no later records, they presumably are still available to be purchased. If there is no link under the VIN column for an entry, no further information is available. You will have to use the name link to find out anything more about the car. Prices are US$, however, if the car is priced in another currency (as shown in the Comment field), the US$ amount is calculated at the current conversion rate at the date in the listing.

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Disclaimer: The 330 GT Registry has no specific knowledge of any of these cars.  The information comes from various sources, some of which may not be reliable. It does not recommend nor receive any form of payment with regards to these listings. As always when purchasing a used Ferrari, a pre-purchase inspection (PPI) by an independent Ferrari mechanic is a must. Any mileage information is supplied by the seller or read from an odometer picture and may not be accurate.

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Detail Type Date Price Mileage VIN Wheels Paint Color Comment
Name State/Prov Country Leather/Carpet Colors Plate Number/Location
Copyright ©2024 Modena Motorsport GmbH For Sale 2024/10/20   65436 Mi 5113 Wire Rosso Cordoba Classiche certification.
Modena Motorsport GmbH Rhineland Germany Fawn/Brown
Copyright ©2024 AutoSL GmbH For Sale 2024/10/20   130129 KM 5839 Wire Blue Metalic Tool bag.
AutoSL GmbH Germany Beige/Tan SG SJ33H/Germany
For Sale 2024/09/21 $389898   22500 KM 8613 Wire Silver €349,000.
Autohaus Blöchl GmbH Germany Red/Red
Copyright ©2024 Metropole Classics For Sale 2024/09/16 $333511   45139 Mi 7467 Wire Argento Metallizzato € 299500. Front converted to Series 2.
Metropole Classics KS Netherlands Brown/Black
Auction 2024/09/07   36539 KM 5737 Wire Red 1964 Ferrari 330 GT 2+2
Unknown Sweden Cream/Tan
For Sale 2024/09/07 $331381   72601 KM 7335 Wire Verde Metallizzato €299,000.
The Gallery Aaldering The Netherlands Black/Black
For Sale 2024/08/23 $347043   63500 KM 7137 Wire Grigio Fumo €310,000.
The Gallery Aaldering The Netherlands Tan/Brown
For Sale 2024/08/06 $218223 5787 Wire Silver €199000. 2 owners, 57 years w/2nd owner.
Oldtimer Daniel Boss Germany Black/Black 8240 YW 06/France
For Sale 2024/07/31 $184500   16319 Mi 5699 Wire Red eBay 266886234616. MD title.
David (kwikkerb eBay ID) MD USA Tan/Black 40-42717/Kuwait
Copyright ©2024 Osenat Auction 2024/07/01   120678 KM 6163 Wire Metallic Gray Lot 84, Automobiles de Collection Auction, Exposition publique Grand Garage Napoléon, Fontainebleau, France. Est €200-250K.
Osenat Fontainebleau France Beige/Beige DY-450-LV/France
For Sale 2024/06/24 $325000   98359 KM 10043 Alloy Rosso Nearco eBay 276481729268. Single-bag tool roll, owner's and parts manuals. 1967 Ferrari 330 GT 2+2
*** NY USA Black/Beige 15377/PA
Auction 2024/06/09   62 Mi Unknown Wire Silver Not sold @ €221K Ferrari - 330 GT 2+2 - 1965 Est: € 285-315K. 6339? Same as 3308,3316.
Tuscany Classics Italy Red/Black ZB 921BB/Italy
Copyright ©2024 MonacoCarAuctions Auction 2024/06/08   50954 KM 6397 Wire Bianco 20.414 Not sold. Lot 45, L'ASTAROSSA 2024 auctiom,Grimaldi Forum, Monaco. Est €255-310K. Ferrari Classiche certified.
Monaco Car Auctions Monaco Nero/Red
Copyright ©2024 Marc Vorgers For Sale 2024/06/07 $358783   81118 KM 8363 Wire Blue €349,000.
S2 Classic Cars the Netherlands Red/Red AM-03-91/The Netherlands
For Sale 2024/05/07   34695 KM 7113 Wire Argento
Duncan Hamilton ROFGO Ltd Hampshire UK Red/Red TEU 545C/UK
For Sale 2024/04/27 $360000   44079 KM 9707 Wire Azzuro Metalizato Some books and a tool kit with jack roll.
Milestone Motorcars FL USA Blue/Blue
Copyright ©2024 Historic Cars For Sale 2024/04/26   31950 Mi 8175 Wire Bleu Chiaro 19343 M
Historic Cars France Nero Franzi/Black EY-450-WQ/France

4953-5125 - 330 America
3105,4085,4963,4967, 5263-6883 - Series I, 4HL, 4speed/OD
6911-7547 - Interim, 4HL, 5 speed
7353, 7553-10193 - Series II, 2HL, 5 speed